Our Mission
To advance the study and teaching of Thomas More’s life and writings, with a special emphasis on More’s understanding of law, liberty, and leading citizenship.
The Center brings together some of the top scholars on Thomas More at its periodic conferences.
The Center offers a variety of research resources for scholars and teachers,
such as:
The Center has an extensive library of More’s works as well as historical documents about More.
From the Art Gallery

Thomas More, His Father and His Household, 1527
Sketch by Hans Holbein the Younger, Kunstmuseum, Basel. From left to right: Elizabeth (21), Margaret Giggs (22, adopted), Judge John More (76), Anne Cresacre (15, ward), Sir Thomas (50), John (18), Henry Pattenson (family “fool”), Cecily (20), Margaret (22), Lady Alice (57), family monkey!

St. Thomas More, 2014
Sculpture by Pablo Eduardo, Boston College Law School.
View more details, photos, and an interview with the sculptor by clicking here.