Historical Documents
See also Timelines linked to original documents.
- Magna Carta, 1215
- Praemunire Law, 1353
- Coronation Oath, 1509
- Colet’s Convocation Sermon, 1510
- More’s “Petition for Free Speech,” 1523
- More’s “Petition for Free Speech,” 1523 — Modernized Version
- More’s Address to the Parliament of 1529, 8 Nov: Chapuys’ Account
- More’s Address to the Parliament of 1529, 8 Nov: Hall’s Account
- Thomas More Excluded from Court Session, 15 June 1530
- Thomas More Almost Dismissed, 20 September 1530
- Thomas More’s Report to Parliament, 2 April 1531
- Thomas More on Blindness of Princes, 11 April 1531
- Henry VIII Visits Parliament Three Times, 6 March 1532
- Henry VIII Divides the House (First on Record), 26 March 1532
- Archbishop Warham, final speech, 1532
- Richard Hall’s The Life of John Fisher, c. 1535-1604
- Samuel Johnson’s History of the English Language: Thomas More
- Edward Hall’s The Lives of the Kings: Henry VIII
- 1517 May Day Riot and background, I.153-64
- 1518 Oration for London, I.167
- 1519 Reform, King’s Council, I.177-8
- 1522 Charles V Oration, I.250
- 1522 Why Turks Conquered, I.279-83
- 1523 Oration, Speaker of House, I.279
- 1525 Oration before Emperor, II.64-65
- 1529 Speech to Parliament, II.163-65
- 1529 Treaty of Cambray, II.158
- 1531 Opinions on Divorce, II.185-95
- 1532 More Resigns, II.212
- Principal Line of Descendants through Thomas More’s One Son, John
- Thomas More’s Nephews and Nieces: The Rastells, the Heywoods, and the Donnes
Biographical Accounts
- Erasmus’ Letters about More
- To Ulrich Von Hutton, Latin (23 July 1519, EE 999)
- To Ulrich Von Hutten, English
- To William Budé, Latin (<September> 1521, EE 1233)
- To John Faber, Latin (< End of 1532>, EE 2750)
- To John Faber 1532, English
- Erasmus’ Final Comments about TM, Aug-Sept 1535
- Paris Newsletter Account of More’s Trial, 1535
- Life of Thomas More by William Roper (More’s son-in-law)
- Life and Death of Sir Thomas More by Nicholas Harpsfield, ca. 1557
- The Life and Illustrious Martyrdom of Sir Thomas More by Thomas Stapleton, 1588
- The Life of Sir Thomas More, Knight by Cresacre More, 1649 {Google Books}
- The Life and Writings of Sir Thomas More by T. E. Bridgett, 1892 {Google Books}
Workes of Sir Thomas More, 1557
- Title page
- Letter to Queen Mary
- Table of the workes and things conteyned in thys volume
- A table of many matters conteined in this booke
- [Four English Poems]
- The Life of John Picus, p. 1
- The history of king Richard the thirde, p. 35
- A Treatyce upon the last thynges, p. 72
- A Dialogue concernynge heresyes, p. 104
- The Supplicacion, p. 288
- The Confvtacion of Tyndales Avnsvvere, p. 339
- A letter of Sir Thomas More to John Frith, p. 833
- The apology of Syr Thomas More knight, p. 845
- The Debellacyon of Salem and Bizance, p. 929
- The answer to the poysoned booke, p. 1035
- A Dyalogue of comforte agaynste tribulacyon, p. 1139
- A treatice to receave the blessed body of our lorde, p. 1265
- A treatice upon the passion of Chryste, p. 1270
- Deuout and vertuous instruccions, meditacions, and prayers, p. [1405]
- [Letter to Thomas More’s Wife], p. 1419
- [Epitaph for his tomb, written by T. More in summer of 1532], p. 1419
- Foure letters [written after resigning &] before he was imprisoned, p. 1422
- Letters and other thyngs [written while] prisoner in the tower, p. 1428
- [Dialogue on Conscience], p. 1433
- [Other Prison Letters], p. 1443
Thomae Mori Omnia Latina Opera, 1565
(Courtesy of Daniel Kumar)
- Title and introductory page
- Epitaphium Thomae Mori; Epistolae
- Utopiae Libri Duo. 1-18
- Epigrammata. 18v-31
- Ex Luciano Quaedam . . . Conversa. 31v-41
- Declamatio Thomae Mori Lucianicae Respondens. 41-44
- Historia Richardi Regis Angliae Eius Nominis Tertii. 44v-56v
- Responsio ad Convitia Martini Lutheri, Congesta in Henricum Regem Angliae, Eius Nominis Octavum. 57-117v
- Expositio Passionis Domini. 118-13[3]v
- Quod Pro Fide Mors Fugienda Non Est. 13[3]v-134
- Precatio Ex Psalmis Collecta. 134-136
Thomae Mori Opera Omnia Latina, 1689
- Title page and frontispiece
- Historiae Richardi Tertii, pp. 1-26
- Responsio ad Convitia Lvtheri, pp. 27-87 (Part 1)
- Responsio ad Convitia Lvtheri, pp. 88-146 (Part 2)
- Expositio Passionis Christi, pp. 147-178
- Quod Mos Pro Fide, pp. 179-180
- Precatio ex Psalmis, pp. 181-186
- Utopia, pp. 186-230
- Poemata, pp. 231-256
- Dialogi Lucianei, pp. 257-282
- Epistolae, pp. 283-351
More’s Individual Works
- Life of John Picus (Giovanni Pico), c. 1510
- Life of John Picus, 500th Anniversary Edition © CTMS
- Life of John Picus, W. E. Campbell Edition
- The History of King Richard III, c. 1513-1518
- Richard III, Modernized English | Study Guide
- Richard III, 1557 Text
- Richard III, 1566 Latin Text with Ben Jonson’s Annotations, Courtesy of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral and its Library
- Richardi Tertii, literal translation; dissertation on
- See edition in Thomae Mori Opera Omnia Latina above
- Also see Thomas More Studies 2007
- Utopia
- Utopia & Selected Epigrams | Commentary | Study Guide | Latin Edition | Utopian Geography
- Utopia, March 1518 Edition (courtesy of Amici Thomae Mori)
- Utopia, Cambridge Third Edition {Amazon} | Study Outline
- Bibliography to Utopia
- See edition in Thomae Mori Opera Omnia Latina above
- Also see 2005 Conference on Utopia
- Epigrams and English Poetry
- The Four Last Things, 1522
- The Dialogue Concerning Heresies, 1529
- The Dialogue Concerning Heresies © CTMS Synopsis | Intro-1.3 | 1.4-1.14 | 1.15-1.21 | 1.22-1.26 | 1.27-1.31 | 2.1-2.8 | 2.9-2.12 | 3.1-3.5 | 3.6-3.14 | 3.15-3.16 | 4.1-4.9 | 4.10-4.13 | 4.14-4.18
- The Dialogue Concerning Heresies, Modernized Version, 2006 {Amazon} | Study Outline
- See 2007 Conference on The Dialogue Concerning Heresies
- Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer
- A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation, 1534
- A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation, 1847 Edition
- A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation, Modernized Version, 1998 {Amazon} | Study Outline
- The Four Last Things / The Supplication of Souls / Dialogue on Conscience, Modernized Version
- The Sadness of Christ, 1535
- The Sadness of Christ, Mary Basset’s 1557 Translation
- The Sadness of Christ, Modern Translation {Amazon}
- De Tristitia Christi original manuscript (courtesy of Archivo Real Colegio Seminario de Corpus Christi, Valencia)
Instructions and Prayers
- A Godly Instruction [on How to Treat Those Who Wrong Us], c. 1534 — Modernized Version
- Prayers from the Treatise on the Passion, c. 1534
- Final Poem on Detachment (“A Godly Meditation”)
- A Devout Prayer [before Dying], July 1535
- A Prayer to St. Thomas More
- A Litany of St. Thomas More
- A Novena to St. Thomas More
- Coronation Ode of King Henry VIII, 1509, 500th Anniversary Edition
- English Poems, c. 1496-1504, 1535
- “The Early Poems” from The English Works of Thomas More
- A Merry Jest, Annotated Version © CTMS
- The Pageant of Life (1492-1501), Annotated Version © CTMS
- A Rueful Lamentation, Annotated Version © CTMS
- Book of Fortune, Annotated Version © CTMS
- Fortune Poems of 1535, Annotated Version © CTMS
- Psalm on Detachment
- See poems at the end of Life of John Picus 500th Anniversary Edition above
- Latin Poems, 1500-1520
- Coronation Ode and Latin Poem No. 19 with Ben Jonson’s Annotations, Courtesy of the
Dean and Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral and its Library - See poems in Thomae Mori Opera Omnia Latina above
- Coronation Ode and Latin Poem No. 19 with Ben Jonson’s Annotations, Courtesy of the
Correspondence, 1499-1535
Erasmi Epistolae, 1499-1535
(NOTE: Selections below from Erasmus, Desiderius. Erasmi epistolae [EE]. Ed. P.S. Allen et al. 12 vols. Oxford, Eng.: Oxford UP, 1906-55. Available translations are indicated to the right in parentheses: See The Collected Works of Erasmus [CWE], U of Toronto P, 1974-. Or see St. Thomas More: Selected Letters [SL], ed. Elizabeth F. Rogers, Yale UP, 1961.
- Title page
- EE 114, To TM, 28 Oct 1499 (CWE 1 227)
- EE 191, From Erasmus to Whitford, 1 May 1506 (CWE 2 112-113)
- EE 222, To TM, 9 June <1511> (CWE 2 161-164)
- Title page
- EE 337, From Erasmus to Martin Dorp <May fin> 1515 (CWE 3 111-139, SL 6-64)
- EE 388, From TM, <c. 17 Feb 1516> (CWE 3 229-237, SL 64-73)
- EE 412, To TM, <c. June 1516> (CWE 3 290-293)
- EE 424, From TM, <c. 21 June 1516> (CWE 3 313-316)
- EE 461, From TM, 3 Sept <1516> (CWE 4 66-68, SL 73-75)
- EE 467, From TM, <c. 20 Sept 1516> (CWE 4 78-79, SL 75-76)
- EE 468, From TM, <22 Sept 1516> (CWE 4 79-80, SL 76-77)
- EE 474, To TM, 2 Oct 1516 (CWE 4 90-93)
- EE 481, From TM, 31 Oct <1516> (CWE 4 114-117, SL 78-81)
- EE 499, From TM, <c. 4 Dec 1516> (CWE 4 162-164, SL 83-85)
- EE 502, From TM, 15 Dec <1516> (CWE 4 169-172, SL 85-88)
- EE 513, From TM, 13 Jan <1517> (CWE 4 182-183)
- EE 543, To TM, 1 March 1517 (CWE 4 270-273)
- EE 545, To TM, 8 March 1517 (CWE 4 274-75)
- EE 574, Sagundino about TM, 22 April 1517 (CWE 4 337-339)
- EE 584, To TM, <30 May> 1517 (CWE 4 368-372)
- Title page
- EE 597, To TM, , c. 10 July 1517> (CWE 5 6-12)
- EE 601, From TM, 16 July <1517> (CWE 5 16-18)
- EE 623, From TM, 19 Aug <1517> (CWE 5 67-68)
- EE 654, To TM, 8 Sept <1517> (CWE 5 106-107)
- EE 669, To TM, 16 Sept <1517> (CWE 5 128-129)
- EE 683, From TM, 7 Oct <1517> (CWE 5 147-149)
- EE 684, From TM to Peter Gilles, 7 Oct <1517> (CWE 5 149-151)
- EE 688, From TM to Erasmus, 25 Oct <1517> (CWE 5 157-158)
- EE 706, From TM, 5 Nov <1517> (CWE 5 188-190)
- EE 726, To TM, 30 Nov <1517> (CWE 5 217)
- EE 776, To TM, 22 Feb 1518 (CWE 5 301-303)
- EE 785, To TM, 5 March 1518 (CWE 5 325-329)
- EE 829, To TM, <c. 23 April 1518> (CWE 5 400-402)
- EE 845, From TM, <? May 1518> (CWE 6 37)
- EE 848, To TM, 31 May <1518> (CWE 6 39-41)
- EE 907, From TM, <1518> (CWE 6 215)
- EE 908, To TM, 1 Jan <1519> (CWE 6 215-216)
- EE 999, Erasmus to von Hutten, 23 July 1519 (CWE 7 15-25)
- EE 1087, From TM, <March-April 1520> (CWE 7 237-254)
- EE 1090, From TM, <April 1520> (CWE 7 256-257)
- EE 1093, To TM, 26 April 1520 (CWE 7 261-265)
- EE 1096, From TM, <May init.> 1520 (CWE 7 271-277)
- EE 1097, To TM, 1 May 1520 (CWE 7 277-278)
- EE 1106, From TM, 26 May <1520> (CWE 7 288-295)
- EE 1107, To TM, <June 1520> (CWE 7 295)
- EE 1162, To TM, <c. Nov> 1520 (CWE 8 91-98)
- EE 1220, To TM, <c. 5 July? 1521> (CWE 8 263-265)
- EE 1233, To William Bude <c. September> 1521
- Title page
- EE 1402, To John More, <c. Dec 1523> (CWE 10 128-131)
- EE 1404, To Margaret Roper, 25 Dec 1523/4 (CWE 10 133-135)
- Title page
- EE 1770, From TM, 18 Dec <1526> (CWE 12 414-419, SL 161-165)
- Title page
- EE 2659, From TM, 14 June 1532 (SL 172-177)
- EE 2750, To Faber, <End of 1532> (Erasmus and His Age, Harper, 1970)
- EE 2831, From TM, <June 1533> (SL 178-183)
- EE 2865, To Boniface Amerbach, 31 August 1533
Letter to John Colet, c. 1504
Letter to William Gonell, c. 1518
Letter to His Children, 1521
Letter to His Children, 1522
Letter to His Wife, 1529
Letter to Erasmus, 1533
Letter to Margaret, 17 April 1534
Letter to Antonio Bonvisi, 1535
Letter to Margaret, 2 May 1535
Letter to Margaret, 3 June 1535
Letter to Margaret, 5 July 1535
Articles listed below by topic – mostly from Moreana
Early Lives and Historical Documents
- Bouyet, Louis. Translated by Andrea Frank. Sir Thomas More: Humanist and Martyr
- Maguire, John. “Roper’s Life of More: The Working Methods of a Tudor Biographer.” (Aug. 1969)
- Crawford, Charles. “Stapleton and More’s Letter to Bugenhagen.” (Feb. 1970)
- Sylvester, R.S. “William Roper’s Life of More.” (Dec. 1972)
- Baker, Howard H. “Thomas More as a Student at Oxford.” (Nov. 1974)
- Reynolds, E. E. “A Right Fair House.” (Nov. 1975)
- Marc’hadour, Germain. “Thomas More’s Birth: 1477 or 1478?” (Mar. 1977)
- Reynolds, E. E. “One of Thomas More’s Judges” (June 1977)
- Reynolds, E. E. “Butclose.” (Dec. 1978)
- Wooden, Warren W. “Structural Patterning in William Roper’s Life of More.” (Mar. 1980)
- Wooden, Warren W. “Thomas More in Hostile Hands.” (Dec. 1982)
- Massingham, K.R. “Thomas More, ‘Laicus’, gent.” (Nov. 1985)
- Billingsley, Dale B. “The Editorial Design of the 1557 English Works.” (Feb. 1986)
- Prescott, Anne Lake. “Crime and Carnival at Chelsea: Widow Edith and More’s Household.” (1989)
- Mitjans, Frank. “The Date of Birth of Thomas More.” (Dec. 2010)
- Mitjans, Frank. “Reviewing and Correcting the Article on the Date of Birth of Thomas More.” (Dec. 2012)
- Carpinelli, Francis. “Thomas More, London’s East Side, and the 2012 Olympics.” (Dec. 2011)
- Lucas, Hannah. “Locating More: The Dialogical Gardenscapes of Thomas More and Ellis Heywood’s Il Moro.” (Dec. 2016)
- Simon, Elliot M. “Thomas More’s Humor in His Religious Polemics.” (June 2016)
- Marc’hadour, G. “Thomas More and Thomas Linacre.” (Feb. 1967)
- Gabrieli, Vittorio. “Giovanni Pico and Thomas More.” (Nov. 1967)
- Sylvester, R.S. “A Part of His Own: More’s Literary Personality.” (Nov. 1967)
- Stacpoole, A.J. “Thomas More and the Imitatio Christi.” (Feb. 1969)
- Coogan, Robert. “Petrarch and Thomas More.” (Feb. 1969)
- Sowards, J.K. “On Education: More’s Debt to Erasmus.” (1989)
- Marc’hadour, Germain. “Basil the Great and Thomas More.” (Nov. 1992)
- Hosington, Brenda. “More’s Views on Language and Translation.” (Mar. 2003)
- Norland, Howard B. “More’s and Elyot’s Perspectives.” (Mar. 2003)
- Marc’hadour, Germain. “Geoffrey Chaucer and Thomas More.” (Sep. 2004)
Spiritual Life and Thomas More
- Blum, Wilhelm. “La nuit – la Lumiere – le Mysticisme: L’exemple de Thomas More” (Dec. 2009)
- Maguin, Jean-Marie. “The Cloud of Unknowing: An Examination.” (Dec. 2009)
- Marc’hadour, Germain. “Was Thomas More a Mystic?” (Dec. 2009)
- Phélippeau, Marie-Claire. “The Morean Paradise” (Dec. 2009)
- Romandini, Fabian Javier Ludueña. “El Misticismo como Problema Político: La ‘Guerra de la Noche Oscura’ y las Tribulaciones del Demonio Meridiano” (Dec. 2009)
- Reynaud, Julie and Galland, Sébastien. “Le Dialogue Ficinien: Lieu d’un Itineraire Mystique.” (Dec. 2009)
- O’Donnell, Anne M. “‘Charis’ in New Testament Translations by Erasmus, Tyndale, and More” (Dec. 2010)
- Mitjans, Frank. “St. Thomas More and John Chrysostom.” (Dec. 2016)
Public Service and Law
- Birchenough/Marc’hadour. On the Timeline of the Chancellorship. (Nov. 1966)
- Reynolds, E. E. “Which Thomas More? A Retractation.” (Feb. 1967)
- Hogrefe, Pearl. “Sir Thomas More and Doctors Commons.” (May 1967)
- Elton, G. R. “More and the Opposition to Henry VIII.” (Nov. 1967)
- Headley, John M. “The Problem of Counsel Revisited.” (Mar. 2003)
- Keane, Robert M. “Thomas More as a Young Lawyer.” (Dec. 2004)
- Kaufman, Peter Iver. “‘To Assyst the Ordynaryes’: Why Thomas More Agreed to Become Chancellor.” (Oct. 2008)
- Curtright, Travis. “Humanist Lawyer, Public Career: Thomas More and Conscience.” (June 2009)
Luther, Tyndale, and Polemical Issues
(See Answer to a Poisoned Book, Apology, The Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer, Dialogue Concerning Heresies, and Response to Luther)
- Headley, John. “More Against Luther: on Laws and the Magistrate .” (Nov. 1967)
- Stacpoole, A. J. “Thomas More and the Imitatio Christi.” (Feb. 1969)
- Pineas, Rainer. “George Joye’s Controversy with Thomas More.” (June 1973)
- Milward, Peter. “A Judgement Judged–the More-Tyndale Controversy.” (Mar. 1980)
- Pineas, Rainer. “A Response to Alistair Fox’s Treatment of More.” (June 1984)
- Keen, Ralph. “Thomas More and Geometry.” (Jul. 1985)
- Rockett, William. “Words Written and Words Inspired: Sola Scriptura.” (Mar. 1999)
- Malloy, Christopher J. “Thomas More on Luther’s Sola Fide: Just or Unjust?” Angelicum 90 (2013): 761-98.
Church-State, Christoper St. German
(See “Apology” and “The Debellation of Salem and Bizance”)
- Hay, Denis. “A Note on More and the General Council.” (Nov. 1967)
- Sowards, J.K. “Thomas More, Erasmus, and Julius II.” (Nov. 1969)
- Headley, John. “Thomas More and the Papacy.” (Mar. 1974)
- Headley, John. “The Nos Papistae of Thomas More.” (Mar. 1980)
- Marius, Richard. “More the Conciliarist.” (Mar. 1980)
- Oakeley, Francis. “Headley, Marius, and More’s ‘Conciliarism.'” (Mar. 1980)
- Guy, John. A. “Thomas More and Christopher St. German.” (Dec. 1984)
- Marc’hadour, Germain. “Entr’acte St. German.” (Dec. 2000)
- Rockett, William. “Temporal and Spiritual: the Controversy.” (Dec. 2000)
Last Days, Trial, and Execution
- Reynolds, E. E. “An Unnoticed Document [of More’s Trial].” (Sept. 1963)
- Derrett, J. D. M. “The ‘New’ Document on More’s Trial.” (June 1964)
- Byron, Brian. “The Fourth Count of the Indictment of More.” (May. 1966)
- Derrett, J. D. M. “More’s Attainder and Alice’s Predicament.” (May. 1965)
- Cavanaugh, John R. “The St. Stephen Motif in More’s Thought.” (Nov. 1965)
- Derrett, D. M. “Sir Thomas More and the Nun of Kent.” (Nov. 1967)
- Flegel, Kenneth M. “Was a Sick Man Beheaded?” (Feb. 1976)
- Sylvester, Richard S. “More’s Discussion of Perjury.” (Dec. 1977)
- Conesa, Salvador. “Did More Have a Cervical Disc Lesion?” (Dec. 1984)
- Derrett, J. Duncan M. “More’s Silence and His Trial” (Nov. 1985)
- Foley, Michael P. “A Saint on Trial: Analyzing the Condemnation of Sir Thomas More.” (June 2009)
- Panza, Barbara J. “His Word Was His Bond: The Role of the Oath in Thomas More’s Trial.” (June 2009)
- Riley, Christopher J. “Constitutional Law as a Bulwark Against Tyranny: The American Experience.” (Dec 2012)
Answer to a Poisoned Book
- Pineas, Rainer. “George Joye’s Controversy with More.” (June 1973)
- Gordon, Walter M. “The Answer to a Poisoned Book.” (Nov. 1987)
- Pineas, Rainer. “Technique in Answere to…the Poysened Booke.” (1989)
- Guy, John. A. “Thomas More and Christopher St. German.” (Dec. 1984)
- Rockett, William. “More and St. German.” (Mar. 1997)
- Goy~Blanquet, Dominique. “With Due Apology: Is Common Law Divine?” Review of “Thomas More on Inquisitorial Due Process” by Henry A. Kelly. (June 2009)
The Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer
- Stacpoole, A. J. “Thomas More and the Imitatio Christi.” (Feb. 1969)
- Donner, H.W. “The Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer.” (Sep. 1973)
- Martz, Louis L. “More as Author: The Virtues of Digression.” (June 1979)
- Hardin, Richard F. “Caricature in More’s Confutation.” (Feb. 1987)
- Hardin, Richard F. “Not Affirming Things Intended.” (Mar. 2002)
The Debellation of Salem and Bizance
- Trapp, J.B. “The Debellation of Salem and Bizance.” (Dec. 1988)
A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation
- Martz, Louis. “The Design of More’s Dialogue of Comfort.” (Nov. 1967)
- Miles, Leland. “Patristic Comforters in More’s Dialogue of Comfort.” (Nov. 1965)
- Kuhn, Joaquin. “Function of Psalm 90 in More’s Dialogue.” (May. 1969)
- Basset, Bernard. “A Dialogue of Comfort for Us All.” (Mar. 1979)
- Sylvester, Richard S. “Three Dialogues.” (March 1980)
- Khanna, Lee Cullen. “Truth and Fiction in A Dialogue of Comfort.” (June 1980)
- Russell, J. Stephen. “More’s Dialogue and the Dynamics of Comfort.” (June 1980)
- Billingsley, Dale B. “‘Imagination’ in A Dialogue of Comfort.” (June 1982)
- Billingsley, Dale B. “‘Resources of Kind’ in A Dialogue of Comfort.” (June 1982)
- Yee, Nancy C. “Thomas More: In Defense of Tribulation.” (June 1982)
- Clark, James Andrew. “More and Tyndale as Prose Stylists.” (June 1984)
- Norland, Howard B. “Comfort Through Dialogue.” (Feb. 1987)
- O’Donnell, Anne. “Cicero, Gregory the Great, and Thomas More.” (1989)
- Wegemer, Gerard. “A Platonic Treatment of Statesmanship.” (May. 1990)
- Yee, Nancy. “More’s Moriae Enconium: The Perfect Fool.” (May. 1990)
- Bore, Isabelle. “Thomas More et le Grand Turc: Variations sur le Théme des Invasions Ottamanes.” (Dec. 2011)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “Wings and Crosses: Boethius’s De Consolatione Philosophiae and More’s
- Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation and Other Writings.” (Dec. 2013)
- Boyle, John F. “Thomas More as Theologian in His Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation.” (June 2015)
- Wegemer, Gerard. “The ‘secret of his heart’: What Was Thomas More’s?” (June 2015)
- Koterski, Joseph. “Thomas More and the ‘Prayer for Detachment.'” (June 2015)
- De Marchi, Carlo. “Thomas Aquinas, Thomas More and the Vindication of Humor as a Virtue: Eutrapelia and Iucunditas.” (June 2015)
- Stevenson, William B. “Suffering and Spiritedness: The Doctrine of Comfort and the Drama of Thumos in More’s Dialogue
- of Comfort against Tribulation.” (June 2015)
- Kelly, Michael. “Mankind, Matter, and More: Sacred Materiality in the Tower Works of More.” (June 2015)
- Phélippeau, Marie-Claire. “Thomas More, the Mystic?” (June 2015)
- Karlin, Louis W., and David R. Oakley. “The Role of Humor in Reforming the Imagination in St. Thomas More’s
- The Sadness of Christ and A Dialogue of Comfort.” (June 2015)
- Avery, Joshua. “Soldierly Training in Two Merry Tales from More’s Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation.” (Dec. 2016)
A Dialogue Concerning Heresies
- Thomas More Studies 3 (2008): Dialogue Concerning Heresies Conference Proceedings (PDF)
- Mason, D. E. and Schoeck, R. J. “On More’s Dialogue Concerning Heresies.” (May. 1966)
- Sylvester, Richard S. “Three Dialogues.” (March 1980)
- Gordon, Walter M. “A Dialogue Concerning Heresies.” (Dec. 1982)
- Pineas, Rainer. “William Tyndale and More’s 1529 Dialogue.” (Dec. 1982)
- Gilman, Donald. “Dramatic Debate: Vividness and Verve in More’s Dialogue.” (Mar. 2003)
- Malloy, Christopher J. “Thomas More on Luther’s Sola Fide: Just or Unjust?” Angelicum 90 (2013): 761-98.
- Rockett, William. “Juristic Theology in More’s Polemics: The Bilney Case.” (June 2014)
English Poems
- Bradner, L. Translation of “How to Choose a Wife.” (June 1970)
- Bowman, Thea. “Analysis of More’s Rueful Lamentation.” (June 1970)
- Willow, Mary-Edith. “Analysis of the English Poems of More.” (Nov. 1974)
- Duffy, Robert A. “Thomas More’s ‘Nine Pageants.'” (June 1976)
- Tromly, Frederic. “More’s Transformation of Didactic Lament.” (Mar. 1977)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “Number Symbolism.” (June 1981)
- Edwards, A.S.G. “Transcript of More’s Prayer of Picus.” (May. 1990)
- Cousins, A.D. “More and the Refiguring of Stoicism.” (Dec. 1993)
- Cousins, A. D. “Augustine, Boethus and the Fortune Verses.” (Mar. 2002)
- Bore, Isabelle. “Fatum, Fortuna et Providence Divine: Les Croyances Païennes à l’épreuve de la Foi Chrétienne.” (June 2011)
- Mock, Carle. “The Structure, Design, and Argument of Thomas More’s Fortune Verses.” (Dec. 2011)
- Herbrüggen-Hunt, Hubertus Schulte. “Thomas More’s Fortune Verses: A Contribution to the Solution of a Few Problems.” (Dec. 2011)
- Lakowski, Romuald I. “Two Neglected Poems of Thomas More and a Poem of Margaret Roper’s.” (June 2013)
- Grace, Damian. “Political Theory in a Poetic Idiom.”(Parergon 1985)
- Holahan, Susan. “More’s Epigrams on Henry Abyngdon.” (Feb. 1968)
- Clay Doyle, Charles. “On the Neglected Sources of Epigrams.” (May. 1975)
- Bradner, Leicester. “Thomas More’s Epigrams on Death.” (June 1976)
- Kinney, Daniel. “More’s Epigramon Brixius’ Plagiarism.” (June 1981)
- Binns, J. Book Review of The Latin poems of St. Thomas More. (Jul. 1985)<
- Keen, R. Book Review of Baumann’s Book on More’s Epigrams. (Jul. 1985)
- Nichols, Fred J. “More and Martial.” (Jul. 1985)
- Perry, Kathleen. “Blind Saturn: Astrological Epigrams.” (Jul. 1985)
- Grace, Damian. “Subjects or Citizens?” (Mar. 1988)
- Doyle, Charles Clay. “Epigrams in the 16th and 17th Centuries.” (Mar. 1994)
- Doyle, Charles. “On Some Antecedents of More’s Epigrams.” (Dec. 1999)
- Maranini, Anna. “Du Père aux Enfants: Les Apostilles Bolognaises des Progymnasmata de Thomas More.” (Dec. 2010)
- Ransom, Emily A. “The Intersection of Poetry and Politics in More’s Epigrammata.” (Dec. 2010)
- McLean, Susan. “Thomas More’s Latin Epigrams Translated Anew.” (June 2011)
- Cabrillana, Concepción. “More’s Epigrams and Utopia: Journeys in Intertextuality.” (June 2014)
- Harp, Jerry. “A Verse Translation of More’s Latin Epigrams into English.” (June 2016)
The History of King Richard III
- Thomas More Studies 2 (2007): Richard III Conference Proceedings (PDF)
- Zeeveld, Gordon W. Book Review of Yale’s 1963 edition.(Sep. 1963)
- Heath, T.G. “Another Look at More’s Richard.” (Nov. 1968)
- Reiter, Robert E. “On the Genre of More’s Richard III.” (June 1970)
- Fox, Alistair. “Richard III‘s Pauline Oath.” (Mar. 1978)
- Grace, Damian. “More’s Richard III: A “Satirical Drama?” (Mar. 1978)
- Anderegg, M.A. “Richard and His Early Historians.” (Mar. 1978)
- Harner, James L. “Shore’s Wife in More’s Richard III.” (June 1982)
- Baumann, Uwe. “More and the Classical Tyrant.” (Jul. 1985)
- Kinney, Daniel. “King’s Tragicomedies in More’s Richard III.” (Jul. 1985)
- Condren, Conal. “Paradoxical Defence of Richard III.” (June 1987)
- Peters, John G. “Sanctuary in More’s Richard III.” (Dec. 1997)
- Hosington, Brenda M. “Proverbs in Richard III.” (June 1998)
- Ronnick, Michele Valerie. “Tacitus’ Depiction of Nero.” (Dec. 1999)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “Litotes in More’s Richard III.” (June 2001)
- Cousins, A.D. “Women and Resistance to Tyranny .” (Dec. 2004)
- Bruster, Douglas. “Thomas More’s Richard III and Shakespeare.” (Sept. 2005)
- Wegemer, Gerard. “England’s Civil Wars: Young Thomas More’s Assessment and Solutions.” (June 2011)
- Avery, Joshua. “From ‘Obloquy’ to ‘So Great Trust’: Broken Judgment in More’s and Shakespeare’s Richard III .” (June 2011)
- Moran, Andrew. “‘What Were I Best to Say?’: Hasty Curses and Moreana Deliberation in Richard III.” (June 2011)
- Wegemer, Gerard. “Thomas More on Tyranny: What Is Distinctive in His Early Thematic and Literary Treatment?” (Dec. 2012)
- Guy, John. “Thomas More and Tyranny.” (Dec. 2012)<
- Beier, Benjamin V. “‘Colour’ that Fails ‘To Set’: Unethical Persuasion and the Nature of Rhetoric in More’s History of King Richard III.” (Dec. 2012)
- Gregg, Samuel. “Intention, Choice and Identity in Thomas More’s The History of King Richard the Third/Historia Richardi Tertii.” (Dec. 2012)
- Lehman, Jeffrey S. “Seeing Tyranny in More’s History of King Richard III.” (June 2013)
- Ransom, Emily A. “Opposing Tyranny with Style: More, Lucian, and Classical Rhetorical Theory.” (June 2013)
- Schmidt, Gabriela. “What Use to Make of a Tyrant? Thomas More’s History of Richard III and the Limits of Early Tudor Historiography.” (June 2013)
- Frank, Andrea. “Proverbs and Irony: Their Literary Role in Thomas More’s History of Richard III.” (June 2014)
- Derrett, J. Duncan M. “Two Dicta of More’s and a Correction.” (Nov. 1967)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “More’s Letter to Antonio Bonvisi.” (Nov. 1981)
- Schulte-Herbruggen, Hubertus. “More’s Correspondence.” (Nov. 1983)
- Herbruggen, H. “Seven New Letters From Thomas More.” (Sep. 1990)
- Miller, C. “Thomas More’s Letters to Frans van Cranevelt.” (Mar. 1994)
- Foley, Stephen. “Scenes of Speaking and Technologies of Writing in More’s Tower Letters.” (Dec. 1998)
- Rodgers, Katherine G. “More as Witness: the Tower Letters.” (June 2009)
- Boyle, John F. “Counsel, Comfort, and Conscience in More’s Letters to Fellow-Prisoner Wilson.” (June 2009)
- Avery, Joshua. “‘Irony and Charity Are Met Together’: A Puzzle in Margaret Roper’s Letter to Alice Alington.” (June 2009)<
- Kearney, Dutton. “‘Little in Common’? Law and Literature in Thomas More’s Dialogue on Conscience.” (June 2009)
Life of Picus
- Gabrielli, Vittorio. “Giovanni Pico and Thomas More.” (Nov. 1967)
- Beier, Benjamin V. “The Subordination of Humanism: Young More’s ‘Profitable’ Work, The Life of John Picus.” (June 2010)
- Foley, Michael P. “Paradoxes of Pain: The Strategic Appropriation by St. Thomas More of Pico della Mirandola’s Spiritual Works.” (June 2010)
- Karlin, Louis W. “Translation as Conversion: Thomas More’s Life of John Picus.” (June 2010)
- Koterski, Joseph W. “Circe’s Beasts and the Image of God: More’s Creative Appropriation of Pico’s Humanist Spirituality.” (June 2010)
- Phélippeau, Marie-Claire. “‘His Saints That Are in the Land of Him’: Pico and More’s Conceptions of the Afterlife.” (June 2010)
- Alakas, Brandon. “In the Secret Chambre of the Mynde, in the Preuy Closet of the Sowle”: Monastic Discipline and Devotion in More’s Life of Pico.” (June 2017)
Lucian Translations
- Pawlowski, Mary. “Thomas More’s Mis-translations of Lucian’s Cynic, Menippus, and Tyrannicide.” (June 2010)
- Corral, Hernán. “Tyranny and Law in Thomas More’s Declamation in Reply to Lucian’s Tyrannicide.” (Dec. 2012)
- Ransom, Emily A. “Opposing Tyranny with Style: More, Lucian, and Classical Rhetorical Theory.” (June 2013)
- Malsbary, Gerald. “The Cynic by Lucian: translated by Thomas More from the Greek to Latin.” (June 2017)
- Avery, Joshua. “Raphael Hythloday and Lucian’s Cynic.” (Dec. 2017)
- Catellani-Dufrêne, Nathalie. “‘Sed Vatem Canimus Vates’: Le Supplice de Thomas More dans les Funera de Jean Second.” (Dec. 2011)
- Marc’hadour, G. “More’s Prayer Book Revisited .” (Feb. 1970)
Response to Luther
- Headley, John. “More Against Luther: On Laws and the Magistrate .” (Nov. 1967)
The Sadness of Christ
- Bush, Douglas. “De Tristitia Christi.” (Mar. 1977)
- Hosington, Brenda. “‘Quid Dormitis?’: More’s Use of Sleep As a Motif.” (1989)
- Miller, Clarence. “The Holograph of More’s Expositio Passionis.” (Nov. 1967)
- Miller, Clarence H. “More’s Biblical Exegesis in De tristitia Christi: Original Interpretations and Applications.” (Oct. 2008)
- Baker House, Seymour. “Endgame: The Genesis of More’s The Sadness of Christ.” (Oct. 2008)
- Beier, Benjamin V. “Anthropology through Analogy: Thomas More’s Body Metaphors in De Tristitia Christi.” (June 2015)
- Lyter, Veronica. “Brave and Prudent Soldiers”: The Virtue of Courage in The Sadness of Christ.” (June 2016)
- Bielinski, Maureen. “Merit and Propassions in the De Tristitia Christi: A Genealogical Account.” (June 2016)
Treatise on the Passion
- Byron, Brian. “From Essence to Presence: Eucharistic Expression.” (1989)
- Thomas More Studies 1 (2006): Utopia Conference Proceedings (PDF)
- Surtz, Edward. “Illustrations in the Yale Utopia.” (May 1966)
- O’Grady, W. “A Note on Busleyden’s Letter to Thomas More.” (Sept. 1966)
- Derrett, J. D. M. “The Utopian Alphabet.” (Nov. 1966)
- Allen, Ward. “Some Remarks on Gold.” (Mar. 1968)
- Schoeck, Richard. “On Reading More’s Utopia as Dialogue.” (May. 1969)
- Allen, Ward. “Hythloday and the Root of All Evil.”(Nov. 1971)
- Coogan, Robert. “NVNC VIVO VT VOLO.”(Nov. 1971)
- Doyle, Charles Clay. “Utopia and the Proper Place of Gold.” (Nov. 1971)
- Halkin, Leon-E. “Mithra Dans l’Utopie de More.” (Nov. 1971)
- Johnson, Robbin S. “The Argument for Reform in Utopia.” (Nov. 1971)
- Jones, Judith. “Plato’s Philebus and Utopian Hedonism.” (Nov. 1971)
- Khanna, Lee Cullen. “Open-mindedness in the Commonwealth.” (Nov. 1971)
- Lacombe, M.-M. “La Sagesse D’Epicure dans l’Utopie de More.” (Nov. 1971)
- McCuthcheon, Elizabeth. “The Litotes in Utopia.” (Nov. 1971)
- Peters, Robert. “The Utopia and More’s Orthodoxy.” (Nov. 1971)
- Prevost, Andre. “L’Utopie Comme Genre Litteraire.” (Nov. 1971)
- Quattrocki, Ed. “Injustice, the Theme of Utopia Book I.” (Nov. 1971)
- Sawada, Paul Akio. “Toward the Definition of Utopia.” (Nov. 1971)
- Seeber, Hans Ulrich. “Hythloday and a Debt to Macrobius.” (Nov. 1971)
- Dust, Philip. “Gentili’s Commentaries on Utopian War.” (Feb. 1973)
- Stevens, Irma Ned. “Aesthetic Distance in the Utopia.” (Nov. 1974)
- Allen, Ward S. “The Tone of More’s Farewell to Utopia.” (Sep. 1976)
- Evans, John X. “The Kingdom within More’s Utopia.” (June 1977)
- Sylvester, Richard S. “Three Dialogues.” (March 1980)
- Wilson, Katharina. “More and Theophrastus–An Idea Put to Work.” (Oct. 1980)
- Evans, John X. “Utopia on Prospero’s Island.” (Mar. 1981)
- Murphy, Clare M. “Ottoman Analogs to More’s Utopia.” (Mar. 1981)
- Rudat, Wolfgang E.H. “More’s Raphael Hythloday.” (Mar. 1981)
- Schaeffer, John D. “Socratic Method in More’s Utopia.” (Mar. 1981)
- Simon, Elliott. “More’s Utopia: Creating an Image of the Soul.” (Mar. 1981)
- Williams, Franklin B. “Utopia‘s Chickens Come Home to Roost.” (Mar. 1981)
- Hammond, Eugene R. “Hythloday’s Questions.” (June 1981)
- Blaim, Artur. “More’s Utopia: Persuasion or Polyphony?” (Feb. 1982)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “My Dear Peter: The Ars Poetica for Utopia.(1983)
- Baumann, Uwe. “Herodotus, Aulus Gellius, and More’s Utopia.” (Feb. 1983)
- Giuseppe, Di Scipio. “De re Militari in the Prince and Utopia.” (Feb. 1983)
- Pineas, Rainer. “More’s Utopia and the ‘Tragedy’ of Polonius.” (June 1983)
- Gueguen, John A. “Why Is There No University in Utopia?” (Dec. 1983)
- Surtz, Edward L. “‘Like a Fountain Stirred’.” (Dec. 1983)
- White, Thomas I. “On Plato and Utopia.” (Dec. 1984)
- Branham, R Bracht. “Utopian Laughter: Lucian and Thomas More.” (Jul. 1985)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “Utopia and Cicero’s Paradoxa Stoicorum.” (Jul. 1985)
- Grace, Damian. “Utopia: A Dialectical Interpretation.” (1989)
- Olin, John C. “Erasmus’ Adagia and More’s Utopia.” (1989)
- Corrigan, K. “The Function of the Ideal in The Republic and Utopia.” (Dec. 1990)
- Wegemer, Gerard. “Ciceronian Humanism in More’s Utopia.” (Dec. 1990)
- O’ Brien, Brian. “J.H. Hexter and the Text of Utopia: A Reappraisal.” (June 1992)
- Wilson, Nigel G. “The Name Hythlodaeus.” (June 1992)
- Baker, David. “First Among Equals: The Utopian Princeps.” (Dec. 1993)
- Logan, George M. “Interpreting Utopia: 10 Recent Studies.” (June 1994)
- Logan, George M. “Utopia and Deliberative Rhetoric.” (June 1994)
- Martinez Lopez, Miguel. “The Life of the Essenes and Utopians.” (June 1994)
- Billingsley, Dale B. “Halfhearted Busleyden.” (June 1995)
- Evans, Scott. “‘Divine Consideration:’ Utopia in Defense of Poetry.” (Mar. 1996)
- Gordon, Walter M. “Maiestas in Thomas More’s Political Thought.” (Mar. 1997)
- Farnell, James E. “The Governmental Structure of Utopia.” (June 1997)
- Marc’hadour, Germain. “Utopia: Comparing 7 Recent Translations.” (June 2001)
- Farnell, James E. “Nusquama and Natural Law.” (Dec. 2002)
- Baker, David Weil. “Ruin and Utopia.” (Sep. 2003)
- Du Verger, Jean. “Géographie et Cartographie Fictionnlles dans L’Utopie(1516) de Thomas More.” (Dec. 2010)
- Blum, Wilhelm. “Les Moines Tournés en dérision dans L’Utopie: Sources et Arrière-plans.” (Dec. 2010)
- Gangale, Guiseppe. “Utopia and Providence in the Humanism of Thomas More: “Man is a god for man, if he knows his duty”.” (June 2011)
- Artese, Charlotte. “The Subversion of Historiography in More’s Utopia.” (June 2011)
- Mancel, François. “Jeux de Mots Grecs et Gréco-latins dans L’Utopie de Thomas More. Les Prétendues îles-sœurs et la Pseudo-aporie.
- Signification Silénique du Vocable «Utopie».” (June 2011)
- Spring, Matthew. “How a Utopian Education Paves the Way for the Usurpation of the Family.” (June 2012)
- Sissa, Giulia. “Familiaris Reprehensio quasi Errantis. Raphael Hythloday, between Plato and Epicurus.” (June 2012)
- Vermeir, Maarten M.K. “Brabantia: Decoding the Main Characters of Utopia.” (June 2012)
- Mancel, François. “Raphaël Hythlodée et l’utopique Cité des Anges.” (June 2012)
- Phélippeau, Marie-Claire. “Narrow is the Gate to Utopia.” (June 2012)
- Wegemer, Gerard. “Thomas More on Tyranny: What Is Distinctive in His Early Thematic and Literary Treatment?” (Dec. 2012)
- Guy, John. “Thomas More and Tyranny.” (Dec. 2012)
- Ransom, Emily A. “Opposing Tyranny with Style: More, Lucian, and Classical Rhetorical Theory.” (June 2013)
- Beaud, Céline. “D’Utopia á New Atlantis: Des Valeurs Morales et des Sciences pour un Bien Commun.” (Dec. 2013)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. Book Review of Utopia, Translated, Edited, and Introduced by Dominic Baker-Smith. (Dec. 2013)
- Ribeiro, Ana Cláudia Romano. “Intertextual Connections between Thomas More’s Utopia and Cicero’s De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum.” (June 2014)
- Mazour-Matusevitch, Yelena. “(Neo)Pythagorean Vision in Thomas More’s Utopia.” (June 2014)
- Berriel, Carlos. “Geografia e Dissimulazione nell’Utopia di Morus.” (June 2014)
- Cabrillana, Concepción. “More’s Epigrams and Utopia: Journeys in Intertextuality.” (June 2014)
- Malsbary, Gerald. “Hythlodaeus’ 464-Word ‘Marathon Sentence’: How Does It Work?” (June 2014)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “Time in More’s Utopia.” (Dec. 2015)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “Thomas More, Raphael Hythlodaeus, and the Angel Raphael.” (Dec. 2015)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “The Language of Utopian Negation: Book II of More’s Utopia.” (Dec. 2015)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “Mendacium Dicere and Mentiri a Utopian Crux.” (Dec. 2015)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “War Games in Utopia.” (Dec. 2015)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “Puns, Paradoxes, and Heuristic Inquiry: The “De Servis” Section of More’s Utopia.” (Dec. 2015)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “Ten English Translations/Editions of Thomas More’s Utopia.” (Dec. 2015)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “More’s Utopia and Its Parerga.” (Dec. 2015)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “More’s Utopia, Callenbach’s Ectopia, and Biosphere 2, 1995.” (Dec. 2015)
- McCutcheon, Elizabeth. “Reimagining the Aftermath of the Fall. Three Dystopian/Utopian Narratives in Jacobean England, 2002.” (Dec. 2015)
- Lakowski, Romuald. “Science and Utopia: Thomas More’s Knowledge of Renaissance Science.” (June 2016)
- Vilar, Mariano A. “Pleasure and Variety in Thomas More’s Utopia.” (June 2016)
- Schmidt, Gabriela. “Of Travellers, Messengers and Foundlings — Fictionality, Authorship, and Textual Property in Thomas More’s Paratexts.” (Dec. 2016)
- Navaud, Guillaume. “Otherness in More’s Utopia.” (Dec. 2016)
- Harp, Jerry. “More’s Utopia and Never-Ending Dialogue.” (Dec. 2016)
- Silva, Alvaro. “Utopia’s Best Reader.” (Dec. 2016)
- Curtright, Travis. “Thomas More and the ‘Genius’ of Utopia.” (June 2017)
- Karlin, Louis W. and Jordan D. Teti. “A Trace of Equity in Utopia? On Raphael’s Reformulation of Classical Equity.” (June 2017)
- Wegemer, Gerard. “Thomas More’s ‘Rule’ of Pleasure Before, After, and in Utopia.” (June 2017)
- del Olmo, Ismael. “Outsiders of Hagnopolis: Unbelief, Fear, and Religion in Thomas More’s Utopia.” (June 2017)
- Foley, Michael. “The Difference Theology Makes: A Reflection on the First Margin Note in Thomas More’s Utopia.” (June 2017)
- Nicgorski, Walter. “More’s Utopia: Between and Beyond Plato and Cicero.” (Dec. 2017)
- Strier, Richard. “Taking Utopia Seriously–and Positively.” (Dec. 2017)
- Junker, William. “Fallen Nature, Utopian Institutions, and (Radical) Medieval Christian-Aristotelianism: A Response to Walter Nicgorski and Richard
- Strier.” (Dec. 2017)
- Sacks, David Harris. “Utopia as a Gift: More and Erasmus on the Horns of a Dilemma.” (Dec. 2017)
- Dodds, Gregory D. “Politicizing Thomas More’s Utopia in Restoration England.” (Dec. 2017)
- Golec, Lilijana Znidarsic. “The Slovenian Reception of Thomas More and His Utopia.” (Dec. 2017)
- Frank, Andrea. “Humanist Guillaume Budé’s Artful Rhetoric: Responding in Kind to Utopia.” (Dec. 2017)
- Brooks, Veronica. Revew of recent studies of Utopia. (Dec. 2017)
- Sir John More (More’s Father)
- Reynolds, E. E. “The Coats-of-Arms of Sir John More.” (Mar. 1977)
- Agnes Graunger (More’s Mother)
- Marc’hadour, Germain. “The Death-Year of More’s Mother.” (Dec. 1979)
- Jane/Joan Colt (More’s First Wife)
- Marc’hadour, Germain. “‘More’s First Wife…Jane? or Joan?” (Mar. 1992)
- Lady Alice (More’s Second Wife)
- Derrett, J. D. M. “More’s Attainder and Alice’s Predicament.” (May 1965)
- Norrington, Ruth. “In the Shadow of a Saint: Lady Alice More” (June 1984)
- O’Neill, Mary. “Lady Alice–Out From the Shadows.” (Dec. 1984)
- Warnicke, Retha. “The Harpy in More’s Household: Was it Lady Alice?” (Nov. 1985)
- Margaret Roper (More’s Daughter)
- Margaret’s translation of Erasmus’ paraphrase of the Pater Noster. (Aug. 1965)
- Albin, Hugh. “Opening the Vault; Enigma of Roper and Canterbury.” (Dec. 1979)
- Roper, Harpsfield, Stapleton. “Meg Roper’s Farewell to More.” (June 1983)
- Brace, Patricia. “Speaking Pictures: Margaret Roper and the Representation of Lady Rhetoric.” (Dec. 2013)
- John Rastell (More’s Brother-in-Law)
- Geritz, Albert. “Brothers-in-Law More and John Rastell.” (Dec. 1999)
- Baird-Smith, David. Book Review of The Family and Descdendants of St. Thomas More by Martin Wood. (Dec. 2009)
- Mary Bassett (More’s granddaughter)
- Olivares-Merino, Eugenio M. “Some Notes about Mary Roper Clarke Bassett and her Translation of Eusebius.” (Dec. 2009)
- John Donne (distant relative)
- McLean, Andrew M. “John Donne and Thomas More: An Elizabethan Catholic Legacy.” (Sept. 2005)
- Reynolds, E. E. “The Friends of St. Thomas More.” (Sept. 1963)
- The Carthusians
- Whatmore, L. E. The Carthusians under King Henry the Eighth (Selections). (Analecta Catursiana 1983)
- John Clement
- Merriam, Thomas. “John Clement.” (Mar. 1988)
- Erasmus
- Schoeck, Richard J. “Telling More from Erasmus.” (Dec. 1986)
- Wallace, Joseph. “The Merits of Being Obscure: Erasmus and Budé Debate the Style, Shape, and Audience of Humanist Scholarship.” (Dec. 2009)
- Marc’hadour, Germain. Review of Erasmus’ Defence of His De Libero Arbitrio, as Edited in English in Controversies, CWE 76 & 77. (Dec. 2010)
- John Fisher
- Richard Hall’s The Life of John Fisher, c. 1535-1604
- Surtz, Edward. “Thomas More’s Friendship with John Fisher.” (Nov. 1967)
- Murphy, Claire. “John Fisher and The Field of Cloth of Gold.” (Feb. 1986)
- Hatt, Cecilia. Book Review of St. John Fisher, Bishop, and Theologian in Reformation and Controversy by Vincent Nichols. (June 2012)
- Peter Giles
- Doyle, Charles Clay. “‘The Mysterious Malady of Pieter Gillis.” (June 1992)
- Henry Patenson
- Hall, Noeline. “Henry Patenson–Sir Thomas More’s Fool.” (May. 1990)
- Antonio Buonvisi
- Baker-Smith, Dominic. “Antonio Buonvisi and Florens Wilson: a European friendship.” (July 2006)
- Thomas Elyot
- Bore, Isabelle. “Thomas Elyot: de Courtisan Disgrâcié à l’éducateur Plébiscité.” (June 2012)
- Bore, Isabelle. “Writing under Tyranny: Tyranny put to the Test of Language in the Works of Thomas More and Thomas Elyot.” (June 2013)
- Francis Cranevelt
- General
- Peters, Christopher. “‘The Image of Thomas More in 20th Century Plays.” (Mar. 1992)
- Geritz, Albert J. “‘Sir Thomas More A Tragedy by James Hurdis.” (Mar. 1993)
- Quinn, Paul. “A Witty, Learned Persecutor? The Staged After-life of Thomas More” (Dec. 2010)
- A Man for All Seasons
- Kincaid, Arthur. “A Study Guide, with Theatrical Emphasis, for Robert Bolt’s Play A Man for All Seasons.” (© CTMS)
- Reynolds, E. E. “The Significance of A Man for All Seasons.” (Aug. 1969)
- Tucker, Melvin J. “The More-Norfolk Connection.” (Feb. 1972)
- M, G. “Fred Zinnemann and A Man for All Seasons.” (Nov. 1983)
- Miller, Clarence. “Robert Bolt’s Play and the Elizabethan Play.” (Dec. 1990)
- The Book of Sir Thomas More (c. 1592)
- Spikes, Judith Doolin. “Book of More: Structure and Meaning.” (Nov. 1974)
- Metz, Harold. “The Play of Sir Thomas More.” (June 1984)
- Gabrieli, Vittorio. “Sir Thomas More: Sources, Characters, Ideas.” (June 1986)
- Merriam, Thomas. “Was Munday the Author of Sir Thomas More?” (June 1987)
- Villquin, Jean-Pierre. “Shakespeare and Sir Thomas More: Essays on the Play.” (Dec. 1991)
- Merriam, Thomas. “‘Lord Say, Sir Thomas More, and Good Friday.” (Mar. 1992)
- Kelly, Erin E. “John Foxe, Poets, and Sir Thomas More.” (Sept. 2005)
- Villquin, Jean-Pierre. “Sir Thomas More et Shakespeare.” (Sept. 2005)
- Kinney, Arthur F. “Memorializing History in The Booke of Sir Thomas Moore.” (Oct. 2008)
- Miola, Robert S. “Shakespeare and The Book of Sir Thomas More.” (June 2011)
- Shakespeare
- Fox, Alistair. “Richard III‘s Pauline Oath.” (Mar. 1978)
- Merriam, Thomas. “Did Shakespeare Model Camillo on More?” (Dec. 1982)
- Pineas, Rainer. “More’s Utopia and the ‘Tragedy’of Polonius. ” (June 1983)
- Evans, John. “Erasmian Folly and Shakespeare’s King Lear.” (Sep. 1990)
- Milward, Peter. “The Morean Counsellor in Shakespeare’s Last Plays.” (Sep. 1990)
- Miller, Clarence. “A Man for All Seasons: Bolt’s and the Elizabethan Play.” (Dec. 1990)
- Gabrieli, Vittorio. “Sources of Four Plays Acribed to Shakespeare.” (Dec. 1991)
- Rousseau, Marie-Claude. “Drama Articles and Notes in Moreana.” (Dec. 1991)
- Rousseau, Marie-Claude. “Theatrum Mundi: More and Drama” (Dec. 1991)
- Zapatka, Francis E. “‘My Strong House’: The Tower and its Use.” (Dec. 1991)
- Peters, Christopher. “‘The Image of Thomas More in 20th Century Plays.” (Mar. 1992)
- Murphy, Clare M. “Thomas More in the Subtext of Shakespeare and Fletcher’s Henry VIII.” (Sept. 2005)
- Kincaid, Arthur. “Show the Heavens More Just: Ordering Society in Utopia, King Lear, and The Tempest.” (Oct. 2008)
- Milward, Peter. “Two Tudor Witnesses to ‘the Corps of Christendom’ – More and Shakespeare.” (Dec. 2010)
- Alvis, John E. “Thomas More and Shakespeare: A Proposal for Furthering an Inquiry.” (June 2011)
- Smith, Stephen W. “The Politics of Imitation: Exploring Connections between Thomas More and William Shakespeare.” (June 2011)
- Milward, Peter. “Shakespeare’s Indebtedness to More.” (Dec. 2011)
- Merriam, Thomas. “Unveiling of the More Family Portrait.” (Nov. 1983)
- House, Seymour. “The More Family Portraits after Holbein.” (Mar. 2000)
- Wegemer, Gerard. “What Holbein and Lockey Captured in the Family of Sir Thomas More: A Family ‘furnished for the whole scope of human life.'”
- (Jun. 2008)
- Brace, Patricia. “Speaking Pictures: Margaret Roper and the Representation of Lady Rhetoric.” (Dec. 2013)
- Zhang, Michael W. “Boethian Philosophy in Sir Thomas More’s Familial Portrait.” (Dec. 2016)
- Martyn, John R. C. “John Owen on Thomas More.” (June 1976)
- Memorial to More in the Tower of London. (June 1970)
Bibliographic Essay
- Marc’hadour, Germaine, More’s English Works: Towards a Census and an Anatomy. (Feb 1967)
General Essays and Talks
- Moyes, James. “Warham, An English Primate on the Eve of the Reformation” [with transcription of 1532 speech] (April 1894)
- Sylvester, Richard S. “Thomas More: New Buildings and Old.” (Nov. 1964)
- Sylvester, Richard S. Newsletter on Yale’s Complete Works Project. (Nov. 1965)
- Schoeck, R. J. “Lord Acton’s Views of Thomas More.” (Nov. 1966)
- Sullivan, Frank. “The Letter of the Law of a Christian Socrates.” (Nov. 1967)
- Sylvester, R. S. “More’s Literary Personality in His Early Works.” (Nov. 1967)
- McDonald, Miles. “Two Prayers to St. Thomas More.” (Feb. 1970)
- Gordon, Walter M. “In Defense of More’s Merry Tales.” (June 1973)
- Wright, John. “Patron of Lawyers and Model for Our Times.” (Sep. 1976)
- Rawlinson, Sir Peter. “Thomas More as a Public Figure.” (June 1977)
- Sylvester, R.S. “Editing Thomas More: The Past and the Future.” (June 1978)
- Sylvester, Richard S. “Keynote Address (22 June 1978).” (June 1979)
- Bibliography (for Richard S. Sylvester) (June 1979)
- Kristeller, Paul. “Thomas More as a Renaissance Humanist.” (June 1980)
- Klawiter, Randolph. “Thomas More, Erasmus, and Von Hutten.” (Oct. 1980)
- Schuster, Louis A. “The Tower of London: More’s Gethsemane.” (June 1982)
- Rimmel, Lesley A. “Was Thomas Cromwell a Morean?” (Dec. 1982)
- Stork, Richard. “John Paul II on Fisher, More and Christian Unity.” (Dec. 1982)
- Berglar, Peter. “Justice and Mercy in More’s Life and Work.” (June 1983)
- Scarisbrick, J. J. “Thomas More: «A Model For Us All».” (Nov. 1985)
- Sawada, Paul Akio. “Was More a Utopian or a Realpolitiker?” (Dec. 1986)
- Smith, Constance. “Charles Dickens on More.” (Dec. 1986)
- Suzuki, Yoshinori. “Thomas More’s View of Politics as a Profession.” (Feb. 1987)
- Suzuki, Yoshinori. “Thomas More on Politics as a Profession.” (Mar. 1988)
- Martz, Louis L. “Thomas More: The Search for the Inner Man.” (1989)
- Marc’hadour, Germain. “Saint Thomas More and Conscience.” (Mar. 1993)
- Billingsley, Dale. “‘The Dangers of Reading in More’s Works.” (Dec. 1993)
- Headley, John. “Guy’s More: on the Dimensions of Political Biography.” (Dec. 2000)
- Gordon, Walter. “Hope’s Movement Toward Love in More and Aquinas.” (Mar. 2003)
- Prescott, Anne Lake. “Postmodern More.” (Mar. 2003)
- Quarta, Cosimo. “More and Socrates.” (Dec. 2003)
- Santer, Mark. “Bishop of Birmingham. 23rd July 1989.” (June 2004)
- Scarisbrick, John. “University of Warwick. 21st July 1985.” (June 2004)
- Lakowski, Romuald I. “Thomas More and the East: Ethiopia, India and the Land of Prester John.” (Dec. 2009)
- Cro, Stelio. “The Contrasting Political Philosophies of More and Machiavelli.” (Dec. 2010)
- Schmidt, Gabriela. “Textual Encounters in an Age of Transition: Thomas More’s Translations between ‘Medieval’ and ‘Humanist’ Literary Culture.” (June 2011)
- Rockett, William. “Tyranny?” (Dec. 2012)
- Phélippeau, Marie-Claire. “Thomas More and the Sins of Tyranny: being evil and acting evil.” (Dec. 2012)
- Genet, Jean-Philippe. “The Problem of Tyranny in Fifteenth Century England.” (June 2013)
- Olivares Merino, Eugenio M. “Thomas More and Charles V (Part I/II): ‘Serenissimo Castellæ principe Carolo.'” (June 2013)
- Bore, Isabelle. “Writing under Tyranny: Tyranny put to the Test of Language in the Works of Thomas More and Thomas Elyot.” (June 2013)
- Turchetti, Mario. “L’assassinat de Thomas More: Le Tribunal d’une Conscience Annihilé par un Tribunal Tyrannique.” (June 2013)
- Olivares Merino, Eugenio M. “Thomas More and Charles V (Part II/III): A Good Servant of the Queen.” (Dec. 2013)
- Smith, Stephen W. “Friendship and Tyranny in the Writings of Sir Thomas More.” (Dec. 2013)
- Phelippeau, Marie-Claire.”Thomas More et l’ouverture Humaniste.” (June 2014)