CTMS Editions
- The Latin Correspondence of Sir Thomas More (1501-1535)
- The English Correspondence of Sir Thomas More (1505-1535)
- Coronation Ode of King Henry VIII (1509) – 500th Anniversary Edition
- Life of John Picus (1510) – 500th Anniversary Edition
- The History of King Richard III (Student English) | Study Outline and Guide
- Utopia & Selected Epigrams | Commentary | Study Guide | Latin Edition | Utopian Geography
- A Dialogue Concerning Heresies (1529)
- The Supplication of Souls (1529)
- A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation (1534)
- The Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer Books 1-4 (1532-33)
- The Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer Books 5-9 (1533)
- The Apology of Sir Thomas More, Knight (1533)
- The Debellation of Salem and Bizance (1533)
- Answer to a Poisoned Book (1533)
- A Treatise Upon the Passion (1534)
- A Treatise to Receive the Blessed Body of Our Lord (1535)
- Instructions and Prayers (1535)