Thomas More and His Family

Thomas More, His Father and His Household, 1527
Sketch by Hans Holbein the Younger, Kunstmuseum, Basel. From left to right: Elizabeth (21), Margaret Giggs (22, adopted), Judge John More (76), Anne Cresacre (15, ward), Sir Thomas (50), John (18), Henry Pattenson (family “fool”), Cecily (20), Margaret (22), Lady Alice (57), family monkey!

Sir Thomas More
Hans Holbein the Younger, 1526-27, RL 12268, Royal Collection Trust/ © Her Majest Queen Elizabeth II 2018

Sir John More
Hans Holbein the Younger, 1526-27, RL 12224, Royal Collection Trust © her Majest Queen Elizabeth II 2018

Cecily Heron
Hans Holbein the Younger, 1526-27, RL 12269, Royal Collection Trust © her Majest Queen Elizabeth II 2018

Elizabeth Dauncey
Hans Holbein the Younger, 1526-27, RL 12228, Royal Collection Trust © her Majest Queen Elizabeth II 2018

Anne Cresacre
Hans Holbein the Younger, 1526-27, RL 12270, Royal Collection Trust © her Majest Queen Elizabeth II 2018

John More
Hans Holbein the Younger, 1526-27, RL 12226, Royal Collection Trust © her Majest Queen Elizabeth II 2018

Margaret Giggs
Hans Holbein the Younger, 1526-27, RL 12229, Royal Collection Trust © her Majest Queen Elizabeth II 2018

Sir Thomas More’s Farewell to His Daughter, 1816-79
Painting by Edward Matthew Ward. Courtesy of Carol Gaerten-Jackson at Carol Jackson’s Fine Arts

Margaret Rescuing the Head of Her Father, 1873
Painting by Lucy Maddox Brown, Private Collection. Courtesy of My Studios.

The Family of Sir Thomas More, 1530 / 1593
By Hans Holbein the Younger, Rowland Lockey © The National Trust Photographic Library. Hangs at Nostell Priory. From left to right: Elizabeth, Margaret Giggs (adopted daughter), Judge John More, Anne Cresacre (ward), Sir Thomas, John, Henry Patenson (the family “fool”), Cecily, Margaret, John Harris (More’s secretary), and Lady Alice.

Thomas More and His Family, 1593-1594
Watercolor miniature by Rowland Lockey. This miniature was based on Hans Holbein’s portrait of the More family. With the permission of Victoria and Albert Museum. From left to right: Judge John More, Anne Cresacre, Sir Thomas, John, Cecily, Henry Patenson, Elizabeth, Margaret; John (son of Thomas More II and his wife, Maria), Thomas More II (who is the grandson of Sir Thomas More and the oldest son of Thomas More’s son, John), Cresacre (son of Thomas More II and his wife, Maria), Maria.
Thomas More in London

Thomas More Defending the Liberty of the House of Commons
Painting by Vivian Forbes, 1927, St. Stephen’s Hall, English Parliament, London. ©The Palace of Westminster.
View more commentary by clicking here.

Thomas More at the Opening of the 1523 Parliament,
Engraving by an unknown artist for Richard Fiddes’ Life of Wolsey (London, 1724); based on a painting done c.1523 (Windsor Castle, MS 1114). Courtesy of Bridwell Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas.

Sir Thomas More, Knight
Statue by George Sherrin, c. 1889, above the “More Passage” to Lincoln’s Inn, overlooking the Royal Courts of Justice, London. Photograph by Tommy Heyne.
The inscription underneath reads:

Thomas More and Erasmus Visit the Children of King Henry VII at Greenwich in 1499
Painting by Frank Cadogan. ©The Palace of Westminster

Sir Thomas More
“Sir Thomas More,” 1969, sculpture by L.Cubitt Bevis, Celsea, London, photo by Tommy Heyne, © CTMS.
On the banks of the Thames in front of the House of Commons. On the three other sides of the pedestal are inscribed: SCHOLAR, STATESMAN, SAINT. More’s head is turned slightly to the left looking downstream toward his last journey. Beneath the statue is a reproduction of his signature, the signature that would have saved his life if he had taken the oath. The face, cross, hands, and chain are in gold leaf.

Thomas More Bust, Tower of London
Bust by Raphael Maklouf in the crypt of St. Peter’s Chapel, Tower of London. Photograph by Tommy Heyne.

Guildhall Crypt stained glass- Sir Thomas More, 1971
Stained glass design by A. E. Buss, M.G.P., Guildhall crypt, London. Photograph by Nick Wignall. More, Bible in hand, is standing before the gates of St. James’ Palace. His family Arms are shown at the head of the light.
View the details of the Guildhall Crypt stained glass by clicking here.
People in Thomas More’s Life

Erasmus, 1523
Oil painting. © National Gallery, London. Erasmus and More were friends. Erasmus’ In Praise of Folly was dedicated to More, and its title may have been a pun on More’s name: More’s name in Latin is “morus”, which is translated as “fool.”

John Houghton and the Carthusians at Tyburn
Photograph by Tommy Heyne. This window shows Houghton, prior of a Carthusian house, and three fellow Carthusians, who were hung, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn after refusing to take the oath that recognized Henry VIII as head of the Church. Thomas More, watching them go to their deaths from his cell window in the Tower, said to his daughter Margaret, “Look, Meg, these blessed Fathers be now as cheerfully going to their deaths as bridegrooms to their marriage!” The figure on horseback on the right panel of the window is Henry VIII. View the details of John Houghton and the Carthusians at Tyburn by clicking here.

Cardinal Thomas Wolsey
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, portrait in Christ Church, Oxford. Photograph by Tommy Heyne.

Lady Alice, Meg, and Will Roper
From St. Dunstan’s stained glass window, Canterbury. More’s wife Lady Alice (left), his daughter Margaret (right bottom), and her husband Will Roper (right). St. Dunstan’s was Will and Margaret Roper’s parish church, and is the site where Thomas More’s head, retrieved by Margaret, is buried.

Cardinal Thomas Wolsey
Stained glass at Hampton Court. Photograph by Tommy Heyne. Wolsey was archbishop of York and chancellor to Henry VIII prior to Thomas More’s holding that office. He built Hampton Court Palace as his residence.

Bishop John Fisher
Statue at Rochester Cathedral. Photograph by Tommy Heyne. Fisher was Bishop of Rochester. He was beheaded just 2 weeks before Thomas More’s beheading.
Thomas More around the World

Thomas More, 1989
Sculpture by D. J. Dixon, University of San Diego School of Law.Courtesy of Charles S. LiMandri.

Thomas More, 1989
Sculpture by Duward Campbell, Lifetime Achievement Award, St. Thomas More Society of Dallas. Photograph by John Haynsworth. Courtesy of W. David Holliday.

Thomas More Window, 2000
By Franz Schroeder, Catholic Information Center, Washington, D.C., photograph by Veronica Conkling.

Sydney Thomas More Window, 1993
By Martin Van Der Toorn, University of Sydney, Australia. Photograph courtesy of John McCarthy, Q. C.

St. Thomas More, 2014
Sculpture by Pablo Eduardo, Boston College Law School.
View more details, photos, and an interview with the sculptor by clicking here.

This monument, by order of Lenin in 1918, was used to list the nineteen most influential thinkers “who promoted the liberation of humankind from oppression, arbitrariness, and exploitation.” Thomas More is the ninth from the top. It is in Aleksndrovsky Garden near the Kremlin.

Sir Thomas More, 1527
Painting by Hans Holbein the Younger, Frick Collection, New York. Prints may be ordered from the Frick.

St. Thomas More, 2006
Life-sized bronze statue by Louis Lamen,
Speaker’s Garden, New South Wales Parliament House, Australia. Sculptor’s comments: “Mindful of the intended location, my idea was to portray Thomas More as if he had taken a moment to pause and think about the gravity of his situation, not yet having decided between duty to his King and his higher Conscience.”
![Statue by Leo Irrera at St. Thomas University Law School. Photograph by Roger Rich. 18" marble model available for purchase: call 202-362-1430. At the feet of this ten-foot-tall, 2.5 ton Carrera-marble sculpture of Thomas More is his chain of office, capturing the moment of More's decision to resign as Lord Chancellor. Around his feet are Utopia, English Poems, De Tristitia Christi [The Sadness of Christ], and [The Workes of] Thomas More. Dedicated February 7, 2005.](
St. Thomas More, 2005
Statue by Leo Irrera at St. Thomas University Law School. Photograph by Roger Rich. 18″ marble model available for purchase: call 202-362-1430. At the feet of this ten-foot-tall, 2.5 ton Carrera-marble sculpture of Thomas More is his chain of office, capturing the moment of More’s decision to resign as Lord Chancellor. Around his feet are Utopia, English Poems, De Tristitia Christi [The Sadness of Christ], and [The Workes of] Thomas More. Dedicated February 7, 2005.
Thomas More’s Office and Estate

Sir Thomas More’s Estate at Chelsea
Sketch by Colleen Westman, based on a 1695 engraving of the property. Chelsea was a working farm outside of London.

Sir Thomas More’s Coat of Arms
The More coat of arms is above the entrance of Holy Redeemer and St. Thomas More Church in Chelsea. More loved puns on his name, as evidenced by the moorhens.

Sir Thomas More’s Coat of Arms
By Peter Drummond-Murray, Slains Pursuivant of Arms. Courtesy of W. David Holliday. Argent chevron engrailed between three moorcocks sable. Argent refers to the metal silver (Latin, argenturn), represented in heraldry by the color white. A chevron is an heraldic device shaped like an inverted V. Engrailed means indented along the edge with small curves. The moorcock is a pun on the name “More.” Sable in heraldry refers to the color black.

Sir Thomas More’s Chain of Office
Sketch by Colleen Westman. This striking chain of office, commonly referred to as the “SS collar” was an insignia of public service reserved for knights and nobility, and later for England’s chief justices. In the center is the Tudor rose, attached to the Ss on either side by a “portcullis,” a design imitating the heavy latticed gateways of a fortress.