
…and Withdraws Sovereignty Any man who has command of many men owes his authority to those whom he commands: he ought to have command not one instant longer than his…


…one of the most comprehensive ever compiled. These range from humorous poems about the many forms of human folly, to daring political commentaries on monarchy in general (and on both…

Contribution to English

…Capable of being burnt or consumed by fire, fit for burning, burnable. Dialogue Heresyes 1529 comprehensible That may be comprised or contained. Dialogue Heresyes 1529 comprynable probably error for compynable,…

Sources and Credits

Citing this Website [Individual author or artist] or [Wegemer, Gerard B., ed.] Thomas More Studies,, [give here the month, day, and year you accessed this site]. Website front-page image…


…Dialogue Concerning Heresies © CTMS Synopsis | Intro-1.3 | 1.4-1.14 | 1.15-1.21 | 1.22-1.26 | 1.27-1.31 | 2.1-2.8 | 2.9-2.12 | 3.1-3.5 | 3.6-3.14 | 3.15-3.16 | 4.1-4.9 | 4.10-4.13…

Concordance Test (not visible)

…Works Cumulative Concordance of More’s English Works Cumulative Concordance of More’s Complete Works Other Concordances Augustine’s De civitate Dei Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae and Bellum Iugurthinum test File tester Wordlist The…


…to us by email or through our websites, including its communication content and metadata  Before you disclose to us the personal information of another person, you must obtain that person’s…

Concordances Test (not visible)

Complete Concordances Cumulative Concordance of More’s English Works Cumulative Concordance of More’s Latin Works Cumulative Concordance of More’s Complete Works   Latin Concordances De Tristitia Christi, CW 14 Historia Richardi…

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…ThomasMore (2020) and A Thomas More Source Book (2004) with Dr. Stephen W. Smith, and is currently serving as an editor for Moreana and developing materials for He has graduate…